Harmony Ranch Alpacas and Pakatrak


Spend time with your alpacas, not your computer

Animal Info



Money Mgmt


Individual View

Define and maintain lists.

Setup contains many lists that will show up in drop down boxes throughout the program. Lists will be used to select information for reports and queries. The only requirement when you first install Pakatrak is to enter your last name and ranch name under ranch information.

You can set the value used to calculate gestation time. Decide if you want Pakatrak to check for common ancestors when choosing a sire or dam. You can choose to automatically repair and compact your data and how often it will occur.
You define how Pakatrak works 

Group View

You can also enter other ranches and other contacts. Enter which vaccinations and parasite controls you use. Define a protocol for any or all medical treatments. Set a reschedule date for medical treatments and Pakatrak will automatically try to schedule (with your consent) the next treatment. Choose which colors you want your screens to be or pick black and white. Go to the names tab and enter a new species of animal to track, add breeds or change the mother or father name or registration number. You can edit all report names.

Harmony Ranch Alpacas and Pakatrak * 40075 Little Fall Creek Rd * Fall Creek, OR * USA * 97438 Phone: (541) 741-7616